Saturday, February 21, 2015


Sunset over SoCal from the bridge wing - Feb 2015
I spent the last two weeks out at sea. I learned a lot about navigation, anti-terrorism tactics, and engineering damage control. It was a whirlwind of a trip but a great deal of fun to be out on the water. Happy belated valentines day!

The start of my siding has been a bit terrifying. I picked out my siding from home depot after much consideration. I had initially wanted to use cedar siding to make the house look like your sterotypical tiny house. Once price became a factor I settled on a composit siding that looks like wood. The drive back to the farm was an adventure.

Siding in route to the farm - very slowly...

1 comment:

  1. That’s exciting! Building a part of your home with your own hands is something that is very satisfying. I really like the choice of composite siding, as it makes everything look more natural and carefree. Thanks for sharing!

    Max Hall @ Schafer Construction Inc
